2021/02/16 18:42:41
Ilona I really loved the customer service at Bridesire. They were friendly and engaging, which made the whole buying experience extraordinary. My wedding dress was one of a kind, and I enjoyed my day in it as it was so comfortable and met all my expectations.
2021/01/25 15:07:13
Magdalena I’m tired of buying my special dresses from second-hand stores. Don’t get me wrong, you can find some really great buys if you search long enough. But, I would rather purchase a new dress from Bridesire, though I’m grateful for what I can get.
2020/12/17 08:35:14
Asli I decided to order a gift (an evening dress, of course) for my wife at bridesmaid.com. I didn't know how my wife would react to the gift; whether she would be genuinely happy with it or no. You know many men, including me don't quite have the best taste for women's outfits. But I'm glad that she truly loved it and appreciated my thoughtful gesture.
2020/03/06 14:52:42
TRACI Adoro abiti da ballo unici. Il fatto che tu venda abiti da ballo di alta qualità mi fa ordinare da te regolarmente. Ho ordinato innumerevoli volte dalla tua piattaforma e non mi sono mai lamentato. Gestisci rapidamente gli ordini.
2020/03/04 00:13:54
Beatrice Mia moglie tende ad essere schizzinosa. L'ampia collezione di abiti che hai nella tua piattaforma online le consente di individuare facilmente il meglio. Ricordo di averle comprato un abito da ballo dalla tua piattaforma e da allora ha comprato da te abiti da sera.